The Gifclips Collection
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Then right click on image and choose "Save As"
![AnchorPendant.gif](AnchorPendant.gif) 2098 bytes 60 x 60
![applepie.jpg](tn_applepie_jpg.gif) 2300 bytes 128 x 128
![BoatFishing.jpg](tn_BoatFishing_jpg.gif) 25.18 Kb 400 x 295
![Cheers2.jpg](tn_Cheers2_jpg.gif) 29.87 Kb 211 x 158
![fishingboatBLU.gif](fishingboatBLU.gif) 8.72 Kb 100 x 100
![Florida.jpg](tn_Florida_jpg.gif) 4699 bytes 158 x 211
![FOUNTA-W.GIF](tn_FOUNTA-W_GIF.gif) 65.51 Kb 160 x 120
![ham_pnd_sm_wte.gif](ham_pnd_sm_wte.gif) 6.55 Kb 70 x 70
![helm.gif](tn_helm_gif.gif) 7.38 Kb 128 x 128
![hendyhouse.jpg](tn_hendyhouse_jpg.gif) 1795 bytes 128 x 128
![house.jpg](tn_house_jpg.gif) 2367 bytes 107 x 128
![LIGHTER1.GIF](tn_LIGHTER1_GIF.gif) 5.64 Kb 63 x 220
![mansion.jpg](tn_mansion_jpg.gif) 1805 bytes 128 x 128
![nautical.jpg](tn_nautical_jpg.gif) 52.56 Kb 400 x 406
![Palmboat.gif](tn_Palmboat_gif.gif) 13.19 Kb 154 x 165
![runner1.gif](runner1.gif) 2717 bytes 76 x 47
![runroom.gif](runroom.gif) 5.83 Kb 55 x 55
![SHOE_009.GIF](SHOE_009.GIF) 53.74 Kb 100 x 100
![SMILYSUN.GIF](SMILYSUN.GIF) 1905 bytes 135 x 98
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